How to extend financial education to the entire family

Date: 07 December 2017

When it comes to young families, many advice practices are extending their offer beyond the individual client to the whole family. These advisers are relying on educational tools and technologies to make their clients, and more Australians, financially literate.

Kendall Flutey, Banqer's Co-founder and CEO, walks through some of the new educational tools and technologies available for your practice in our December 2017 educational webinar. She also provides a framework to help you engage the entire family and build relationships with schools. 

1. Webinar recording

2. Banqer Cheatsheet

Banqer have put together a Financial Capability Cheatsheet to assist advisers with extending their advice offer the the entire family. 

It provides an overview of financial capability in schools; financial literacy at home; developing your financial literacy toolbox for your clients; and how to create additional content for your clients

Download Cheatsheet

3. Podcast recording

4. Webinar slides

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