
Discover new opportunities with our collection of special reports, articles, presentations, podcasts and more.

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Netwealth IQ Trends: Short, sharp insights for busy advisers

Dive into the latest trends shaping the advice sector directly from your inbox. Based on Netwealth’s proprietary research, Trends is a bi-monthly newsletter for advisers full of the latest insights designed to inspire you to see wealth, your business and clients differently.

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Meet the Advisable Australian


Netwealth’s Advisable Australian research looks to understand the wealth characteristics and attitudes of Australians 18+, with a focus on their changing needs and opinions towards financial advice relationships. The reports are based on our extensive Advisable Australian research data.

Get a deeper understanding of Australians and evolve your advice experience with our suite of Advisable Australian white papers, resources and tools.

Latest: Bridging the value gap to win new clients

This report is based on our latest Advisable Australian research and uses the advancements in behavioural science to help you convert prospects into clients by bridging the ‘'value gap.’


Understand Australian advice clients better

Explore the changing wealth needs and financial advice relationship expectations of Australians aged 18+, learn about what will keep them happy.


Women as the new face of wealth

Discover insights, opportunities and strategies to better service women and to significantly improve their financial experience and outcomes.


Building your high net worth value proposition

Learn the nuances that define older HNW investors, how to attract, advise and service them with seven important opportunities or tactics.


Fight for the future market

Get a playbook on how to attract, manage and retain the digital savvy largely Gen-Y Emerging Affluent market.


A new way to think about Australian investors

Embrace a new framework for understanding Australian investors beyond simply their life-stage and affluence, using a behavioural perspective.


AdviceTech trends to stay aware of

2023 AdviceTech Report and Buyers Guide

2023 AdviceTech Report: Humans with Machines

Download Netwealth's AdviceTech report, Humans and Machines, provides a detailed examination of the role artificial intelligence (AI) and adjacent technologies will have for advice firms. We draw on extensive research to provide areas of focus, detailed examples and useful tips so you can deploy AI successfully into your practice today.

Download the report

2023 AdviceTech Buyers Guide

This report is based on research from 250+ advice firms and provides valuable information on pivotal technologies and trends in Australia. It allows you to benchmark your tech usage and supplier adoption against high-performing 'AdviceTech Stars' while exploring 30+ available AdviceTech solutions, including their key features, benefits, and top suppliers.

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Latest thinking

Between Meetings

Optimising advice firms for business efficiency

Sue Viskovic, General Manager, Consulting at VBP, shares her insights on how to scale and operate an advice firm efficiently. She predicts that scalability will be crucial for advice businesses and outlines how practice management roles, technology, and outsourcing, can significantly reduce costs and improve efficiency. 

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Portfolio Construction Podcast Series

Global real estate insights: Navigating market cycles and opportunities

Explore global real estate for investment opportunities and market resilience, focusing on US economy, interest rates, and emerging themes like self-storage and senior housing.

Listen to the podcast

Between Meetings

Growing the licensee of the future

Hugh Humphrey, CEO of Count, recounts his journey from consulting to leading one of Australia’s largest licensee groups. He relates the leadership insights he’s gained from inspiring leaders, the evolving function of the licensee and predicts the crucial role of technology and outsourcing to increase client capacity.

Listen to the podcast

Special reports

Family offices

Why your technology offer matters to family offices

Explore how your firm’s investment in technology can be offered to family offices to improve their operational efficiency, elevate reporting, and more.

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Managed accounts

Managed accounts: Going the distance

Featuring case studies, insights from wealth practices, and managed account experts to serve as a roadmap to mastering managed accounts.

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Advisable Australian

Women as the new face of wealth

Discover insights, opportunities and strategies to better service women and to significantly improve their financial experience and outcomes.

Download the report

Sales & marketing innovation

Finding your treasure with Pirate Metrics

This whitepaper breaks down the entire client lifecycle into six distinct parts, providing valuable insights and new ideas to hopefully challenge your status quo.

Download the report


Understand the role managed accounts can play in your business and the important factors to consider prior to their implementation.

Discover the resources

Our collection of guides and resources to help you navigate and capitalise on the changing financial advice landscape.

Discover the resources

We’ve worked with some of Australia’s leading innovation experts to create a collection of resources to inspire creativity in your team.

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Understand the changes to Self Managed Super Funds and what to consider if you're thinking about winding one up.

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Netwealth Innovation Toolkit

We’ve worked with some of Australia’s leading innovation experts to create a collection of downloadable resources, workshops and tools to inspire creativity in your team. These simple exercises have been designed to help your business see innovation differently and identify new areas of enhancement.

Technical advice strategies

Advice Foundations

Presentation: Simple but effective technical strategies

In this session, Keat Chew, Head of Technical Services at Netwealth, considers simple technical advice strategies that can be used to effectively improve clients financial situation in super.

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Advising on platforms - looking beyond cost

Unpack the legal framework that applies to you when it comes to advising clients on which super and investment platform they should use.

Download the report

Watch the summary presentation

Reshaping the future - technical advice strategies

Four complex technical advice strategies and beyond presented in a practical and easy to understand manner.

Check out our resources 



Between Meetings with Matt Heine

Matt Heine, Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director ​of Netwealth, chats to industry professionals and thought leaders on what opportunities and challenges they see for financial advisers and the wealth industry.


The portfolio construction podcast

Paul O'Connor, Netwealth's Head of Investment Management & Research, picks the brains of wealth management professionals to uncover unique insights on the investment areas they are passionate about while also sharing fascinating stories and lessons from their experience.

CPD webinars: Adviser insights from industry experts

Join us for our upcoming CPD accredited webinars, as we share unique voices on a curated list of topics, featuring the latest research, expert advice, and insights on the latest trends, to keep you up to date on what truly matters.


2024 Netwealth's AdviceTech report keynote

Register for our keynote presentation, in which we draw on our latest AdviceTech research to introduce a new framework for advice firms to support their digital and technology transformation efforts. Learn how to shift culture, leadership, and capital allocation for digital transformation,


On-demand webinars

Catch up on valuable insights and spot the changes that matter by watching our recorded webinars. Whether you’re interested in industry trends, Advicetech updates, or expert discussions, our webinar library has something for everyone.

Netwealth IQ Webinar

Retirement planning, readiness and income preferences

Pat Spenner presents findings on Australians’ retirement income preferences, highlighting gaps in understanding and offering a scientific approach to personalising retirement strategies to boost your clients’ retirement confidence.

Watch the video

Netwealth IQ Webinar

What does ‘value for money’ mean for your prospective clients?

Learn key findings and insights on improving value perceptions to enhance client acquisition. The session covers the Netwealth Value for Money Model and practical tactics to convert prospects into clients using behavioural science tools and frameworks.

Watch the video

Netwealth IQ Webinar

Optimise your pricing model

Rob Jones, Co-Founder and Owner of Peloton Partners, shares key insights and observations on advice pricing models, to help you find the right balance between the value provided to your clients and the cost they are willing to pay.

Watch the video

Netwealth IQ Webinar

Ex-FBI agent shares how to stay safe from cyber crime

Jeff Lanza, an ex FBI Agent, shares with us how criminals try to steal our identities and commit cyber fraud, and learn how to minimise the real world cyber risks for you and your clients.

Watch the video

Netwealth IQ Webinar

Cracking the code to building a more efficient advice firm

In this video, Lana Clarke, Senior Consultant at Elixir Consulting presents key findings of crafting high-performance teams and optimising operational efficiency for financial advisers

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Netwealth IQ Webinar

What Australians want from their advice relationship

Learn about the crucial elements clients value in advice, observe trends in portfolios and digital engagement, and uncover expectations for investment strategies and communication.

Watch the video

Netwealth IQ Webinar

Simple but effective technical strategies

In this session, Keat Chew, Head of Technical Services at Netwealth, considers simple technical advice strategies that can be used to effectively improve clients financial situation in super.

Watch the video

Netwealth IQ Webinar

Unlocking the potential of humans and machines with AI

Learn where AI is taking us and what advisers can do to prepare for the future and supercharge their advice firm; and how AI and other adjacent technologies can transform the way we work and service clients.

Watch the video

Netwealth IQ Webinar

A practical guide to implementing managed accounts

Learn from advice firms, asset consultants, and Netwealth’s own team about implementing managed accounts, overcoming challenges, and maximising benefits.

Watch the video

Netwealth IQ Webinar

The new retirementality - exit or change lanes

Learn from Jacquelyn Mann on fresh perspectives and practical tools to help your clients redefine retirement, address key questions and empower them to plan their post-65 lifestyles effectively.

Watch the video

Netwealth IQ Webinar

Build a diverse and resilient portfolio with alternative investments

This session explores the growing accessibility and benefits of alternative investments, discusses strategies and practical insights for financial advisers to effectively incorporate these investments into client portfolios.

Watch the video

Netwealth IQ Webinar

Technology that will shape wealth management

Discover how technology is revolutionising the wealth management industry and adviser-client relationships, with insights from expert Greg Smith on future trends and innovative companies.

Watch the video


How to build consumer confidence with trust

Trust is a commodity that companies covet. Gone are the days of blind confidence and loyalty based solely on brand familiarity.

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How spiritual enlightenment can shape your approach to clients

What’s the connection for financial advisers to spiritual enlightenment, a global mega-trend centred on finding meaning?

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Help consumers feel good with guilt-free goals

Doing good has become part of brand strategy as consumers across the globe look for ways to make an impact with their buying choices.

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Why the rise of the female matters to your advice business

The rise of females gives advisers an opportunity to take a new approach at empowering female customers and building financial literacy.

Read the article

With change comes your chance to think differently

Our collection of guides and resources to help you navigate and capitalise on the changing financial advice landscape.

How to build your value proposition

Learn how to clearly and succinctly articulate the reasons clients should engage your services or invest in the products you recommend.

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Best interest duty & platform advice

Explore why you need to look beyond price to meet your client needs and legal obligations when it comes to platform selection.

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Managed accounts during volatility & beyond

Learn from four wealth professionals how managed accounts can enhance your client value proposition during volatile times and beyond.

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How to attract & retain high new worth clients

Explore seven strategies to evolve your service offering and attract more high net worth individuals as clients.

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Your own AFSL - What you need to know

Understand the benefits, challenges and tips for businesses looking to self-licence, and how to apply for your own AFSL.

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How to choose the right dealer group

Identify the key criteria for assessing which dealer group you should join, and why price should be the least important factor.

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